First Presbyterian Church is to be known as a worshiping congregation that reaches out to share the love of Jesus Christ through vital programming for all ages that includes education, music, and mission.

For over 160 years, the First Presbyterian Church of Defiance, Ohio has been in ministry and mission to meet the needs of the Church Family and the surrounding community. We have an active Christian Education program for adults, youth, and children. Our Sunday morning worship after Labor Day through Memorial Day is at 10:15am. We also have a children\’s worship service, called We Kirk, at the same time. During the summer after Memorial Day through Labor Day our Sunday morning worship is at 9:30am. We do not have children\’s service during the summer.  Together these services provide a meaningful opportunity for each member of the family to praise God at his or her own level and yet to have common elements to take home and talk about.

Over the last few years the Church Family has become very involved in mission both here in the Defiance community and in Peto, Mexico. We have opportunities for all of our members to have “hands on experiences” in these areas as they are so led by the Holy Spirit. We praise God for these ministries that have been opened to us.

We at First Presbyterian Church welcome EVERYONE to our worship services and other activities. If one enters as a stranger, we hope they will leave having felt the presence of God and knowing that they have been with friends in Christ. If you do not have a church home, we certainly would like you to come and join us in God\’s service.

For details on the above check out the rest of our web site.

God bless you this day and always.